Two Outstanding Fathers in Guatemala
Meet Victor: One of two of the most amazing Fathers in Guatemala. Victor is everything this photo (R) would indicate and more. His attitude is as upbeat as his smile demonstrates. Victor’s energy and enthusiasm for helping our nonprofit is as boundless as the oceans that hover on each side of the Guatemalan coast. He is intuitive, intelligent and one of the hardest working men we know…in any country. Victor understands our widows and their children, (while also being a father to two young teens) better than we do….he is their first point of contact in any emergency or difficult situation. He “gets” the complexities of their social situations in a way that our American board members can not. This man’s moral compass is pointed in the right direction and the Finding Freedom widows under his supervision are the better for it. Without him our teams would not arrive safely when we visit Guatemala; did I mention that he is an amazing driver and translator extraordinaire?

This is Vinnie (L). A man of unending faith and good cheer, Vinnie is rarely without his smile, accompanied by his steadfast belief that our hard work as an organization will have long-term benefits for our widows and their children. As a Guatemalan board member, Vinnie offers not only his heart and intelligence but also his body to hand carry food, supplies, clothing, medicine and essential furniture to the Guatemalan families we assist. His outreach to the FFF students we sponsor is heartfelt and born of a dedication and determination that would be difficult to duplicate. Vinnie and his wife are the parents of four young adult children who have an outstanding future thanks to his influence. He and Victor have been with us since the inception of our program and are a big part of the growth we have experienced in every facet of what we do in Guatemala.
Finding Freedom works with the poorest of the poor in both Guatemala and Egypt. Poverty comes in many forms. The women in our program have experienced the subjugation and harassment that often accompanies the citizens at the bottom of the economic and educational level in their respective countries. They are not accustomed to the care and concern of worthwhile men. Had they married men with the qualities of Vinnie and Victor, the need for our program would be non-existent.
From Biblical days onward, the definition of a family has included a man and a woman, each combining their respective emotional and physical talents toward creating healthy and happy children. A family without a father is more than a little wrong. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to have these two men in our organization, working toward a better future for fatherless children in rural Guatemala.
Happy Father’s Day Victor and Vinnie!