Pandemic Humanitarian Efforts In Two Hemispheres

Vulnerable countries are greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health systems are strained, medical staff are needed and there is limited
medicine and medical devices.
In Egypt and Guatemala, schools, businesses and public transportation are
shutdown. Food supply is scarce and prices have tripled. Social distancing
is not possible where families are often crammed in a small area. Hand
hygiene, which is paramount to avoid the virus, is difficult in areas where
water and soap is not easily available. In addition, there is a limited number
of medical equipment at the public government hospitals. Ventilators are
virtually nonexistent. Isolation, no work and no food has exacerbated a
fragile society, causing many to backslide into malnutrition.

In response to this crisis, Finding Freedom through Friendship, Inc (FFF) has
donated thousands of pounds of food and helped many in need of medical
care. Since the Covid outbreak began, 1,825 food packages (between 20-45 pounds) of rice, black beans, fruit, vegetables and other non-perishable food were distributed in the mountains of rural Guatemala, for a total of over 26,000 meals. Over 100 families in Egypt were assisted with critical needs that arose from financial insufficiency.
Finding Freedom through Friendship, Inc. (FFF), a 501c3 non-profit
organization established in 2009, empowers destitute females and youth to
reverse the yoke of poverty by providing shelter, health, nutrition, education
and skills for long-term sustainability for the individual, community and
subsequent generations. FFF’s holistic approach is to inspire, empower and
sustain the family’s socioeconomic environment. Our objective is to instill
independence and confidence at the emotional and physical level for
individuals to gain freedom, dignity and security to live to their fullest
Vulnerable countries are greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
FFF has no employees and all the board are volunteers. Ninety two percent
of FFF’s operating budget directly benefits families, children and the
If you wish to participate in FFF’s international efforts to help those in the
greatest need during this crisis, please contact us or visit our website.
Together, we can make a difference to alleviate the suffering of children, women and families in two hemispheres. There has never been a more important time to reach out to those in need.