Inspiration From Guatemala

Oh my, this word has been lacking in my vocabulary lately. Our small and intimate Finding Freedom through Friendship board really needs the fuzzy feelings that are generated from the work we do. Without paychecks to feed our coffers (we are all volunteers) the feedback that we receive from our efforts to assist marginalized women and children is vital toward keeping us invigorated. Reading well researched articles like this one discourages us from thinking we can stem the tide of the current food scarcity issue in Guatemala. There is nothing about administrating an international nonprofit that is for the faint of heart. Add a pandemic, diminished donations, malnourished participants and food subsidy scarcities and the soul becomes as weary as the mind and body. Our board members and donors could all use some inspiration!
So when our facilitators sent these recent photos of some of the recipients of our food donations in Guatemala, it felt like the balm we needed. We think you will agree.

(Photo credits: Finding Freedom through Friendship facilitators Vinnie and Fabi de Samayoa in Guatemala)