Egyptian Women

FFF Volunteers Unite to Support Women on Mother’s Day
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FFF Volunteers Unite to Support Women on Mother’s Day

Motherhood has no geographical boundaries. Across the globe, women face similar challenges, joys, and aspirations in their journey of nurturing and raising children. Finding Freedom Through Friendship (FFF) understands that the reality of motherhood can be starkly different depending on where you live. In Guatemala and Egypt, many women struggle financially, facing barriers to providing…

Eze: Success And Resiliance In Egypt

Eze: Success And Resiliance In Egypt

Ezes Hamdi, a 28-year-old widow is the mother of three children, Krollos,Mariam and Marina, ranging in age from 4 to 11 years old. Ashraf was a simplepeasant working at odd jobs. The family lived in extreme poverty in a tiny areameasuring 12 square meters (130 square feet) under a defective roof at the homeof Ashraf’s…