A Success Story in Egypt
Not one hospital wanted to deliver Eman’s baby!

Why? Because Eman did not have the fees to pay the hospital bill.
In August of 2017, after a year of careful preparation, FFF expanded into Egypt. Of the four women initially enrolled, one especially touched our heart – Eman, known as the “bridal suite” mom. Eman lives in the slums of Cairo, Egypt and was struggling with inadequate nutrition, poor health and no education for her or her two young sons. Her small 3-room lodging had a non-working hole for a toilet and a bucket for cold showers. The family was at risk for pathogenic illnesses, exacerbated by the intense interior heat of the apartment. A third child was past due on the day we visited as no hospital would perform a C-section due to lack of funds.
On the spot FFF paid for the safe delivery of baby Batul – she was first Egyptian baby girl in the program! In the help provided, FFF delivers monthly food, tutors for the children, pays for medical care and has refurbished the apartment. Eman named her “new” home the “bridal suite” and thus Eman is referred to as the “bridal suite” mom.

FFF is currently establishing a microbusiness for her to sell grains for chickens and other small animals. She will graduate from the program in 2019 with the ability to sustain her living standard. Moreover, Eman has gained freedom, confidence and dignity.
Poverty is one of the horrific challenges facing the world today. The impact of poverty propagates into other areas such as illiteracy, unemployment, violence, malnutrition and health diseases. Women, especially widows, are most vulnerable because of prevailing patriarchal culture depriving them from equal opportunities, security and safety. Finding Freedom through Friendship (FFF) recognizes empowerment is necessary to break the cycle of gender disparity.